Friday 5 June 2009

Why I decided not to vote in the local/European elections yesterday

I didn't vote in the elections yesterday, which is highly unusual for me. In the past, I've always voted reasoning that if you're given the right to vote, you really should have your say.

But yesterday, I decided to abstain from my right and not vote. Why? Well quite frankly, if small business owners had behaved the way that MPs have in the past few weeks with their expenses, I think most of us would have gone to jail.

All of them seem to be as bad as each other at the moment and it makes me very angry that the very people who set the rules and instruct small businesses to pay tax, national insurance, P.A.Y.E and VAT, which the vast majority of us do on time without question, have themselves abused the system.

So, had there been a box on the voting form that says "I do not wish to vote" I would have ticked this, but as there was not, I consciously decided not to vote on this occasion. I'd love to hear your thoughts.

1 comment:

john dooner said...

Hard times to come-the door has been opened for a rag-bag disgruntled voters to attach themselves to the lowest common denominator!