Monday 8 June 2009

The key to staying positive

As small business owners, one thing that tends to happen is that we get to know ourselves very well. We know what stresses us out; what makes us end the day on a high and we learn what makes us stay positive or results in us feeling down.

The key for me staying positive (and it may well work for you too) is this. Whenever I feel down, it's usually because I haven't set some goals to achieve - I know that if I've got goals in place that motivate me and make me want to get up in a morning, I'm more likely to stay positive.

And if I can see that I've got an action plan in place to achieve these goals, that's going to make me feel motivated for longer too.

So, how are you feeling at the moment? If you're not feeling great, why not try setting yourself some goals that get you excited again? Set up an action plan to get cracking on them and see whether you feel any differently.

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