Wednesday 20 May 2009

If you don't know, don't guess...

At a networking event this morning, an old business contact came up to me and said "that's really interesting. I was just thinking about HR advisors as I was driving here and now you've turned up so you should be flattered."

I assured him that I was very flattered, but that I didn't actually do HR! Whoops.

I then had to remind him that we did marketing for small businesses and he ended up feeling embarrassed; I ended up feeling embarrassed and he took me to one side afterwards and apologised. I bet that was a great start to his day at 7am this morning.

The moral of this story is that is you don't know who someone is or what someone does, don't guess. Either make polite noises and then look them up when you get back to the office or ask them. If you guess, I'm pretty willing to bed that your guess will be wrong and then you'll be embarrassed as both my contact and I were this morning.

This encounter was memorable for all the wrong reasons! Don't let it happen to you.

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