Monday 6 April 2009

New look to Exceptional Thinking

After six years running Exceptional Thinking though, we decided it was time for an upgrade so we've been very hard for the last 3 months to develop a new logo, change our newsletter and update our website. We launched the logo and newsletter on Friday.

It's always a big deal in a company when you change the look and feel of it. Let me tell you we were all a bit nervous the night before as to whether people would like it. We opened on Friday to a flurry of emails - and the good news - most of them were positive! Great news for us. But there's always one isn't there who comes back with not so positive feedback and that's pretty hard to take when you've worked so hard developing the new stuff.

When you get negative comments you just have to remind yourself that you can't please everyone and after all, they're not publishing a newsletter etc, so how can they really criticise?

And then on the Sunday morning, I realised I hadn't altered a button on our database and one of the old look, March newsletters was sent out by mistake - nightmare! Again, flurry of emails asking what was going on. I'll have to explain on the next newsletter now. Oh well, never mind.

Check out our new look newsletter by going to

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