Monday 27 April 2009

How people are feeling

It's really interesting this year how people's moods are changing. Back in December, everyone was full of doom and gloom about how 2009 would turn out. At the end of January, people had cheered up realising that things were not as bad as they feared.

And now in April, everyone's mood seems to have gone the other way again. Things have gone quiet for many people and small businesses are a bit down in the dump!

But let's break things down a bit. I think this quietness has got a lot to do with Easter and the end of the financial year too. Last year, Easter was at the end of March and first week of April, so three weeks of each month were left.

This year, Easter has completely taken out two weeks of April, meaning that many people have taken those two weeks off! Combined with the end of the financial year for most people being in March, many companies still haven't got their act together yet about the budgets in April.

But, now is not the time to sit there and wallow in feeling down. Now is the time to get out there and do some marketing to build things for May and June. As Chris Cardell said yesterday "if someone put a gun to your head and said unless you got 5 new customers by the end of the day, you'd die", you'd do everything possible to get that business wouldn't you?

So, get up, shake yourself off and get out there and get some business!

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