Wednesday 24 September 2008

Is it possible to be too busy...?

Whenever I teach a business start-up course, I always give an example of a business that put one advert in his local paper and got over 1,000 responses. He was swamped and couldn't get back to all the enquiries in time - demonstrating that it's possible to be 'too' busy.

Most businesses would love to be in this position, but over the last week or so, I've experienced it and I have to say it's not the best emotional state I've been in. I've been running around like crazy and it's only now that I've managed to get a bit of a handle on things and see a way forward.

And I have to admit that I did the worst thing possible - panicked and ended up doing less than I would have normally done. Re-reading one of the best time management books ever "Getting things done" by David Allen has put it back into perspective again for me (as it always done) and I'm actioning things quickly again now - but it was touch and go for a while.

Experiencing this over the last week or so, has definitely made me look at planning for the future and consider how we're going to scale up without letting things slip. So, big tip (and lesson) for this week is that future planning is definitely worth thinking about - before it actually happens.

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