Tuesday, 29 July 2008

Why you shouldn't feel guilty about having a break

Why is it that when you run a small business, you feel guilty about having a break? Don't worry - it's not just you. It's me too and it seems to be all the small business owners that I speak to as well!

Maybe it's something to do with our upbringing that rewards us for working hard and not taking a break; perhaps we worry that things won't get done in our absence or that new customers won't come through the door; or possibly something else...

But, whatever it is, many of us do feel guilty about having a break from our business. Here's 5 reasons why you shouldn't feel guilty:

1) You actually (believe it or not) deserve it. Especially if you've worked hard all year. It's a good thing to reward yourself and keeps you motivated .
2) You'll be amazed how much better you'll feel after the break - you'll be refreshed and raring to go.
3) When you're on your break, it's also likely that new ideas will come to you - remember all those promises you've made to yourself to work 'on' your business, not 'in' it. Well now's your chance.
4) I'm always surprised whenever I leave my business that I seem to get new customers while I'm away. Maybe it's because you do a whole heap of work before going away to clear your desk that tends to come to fruition while you're away.
5) Finally, everyone else has a break so why shouldn't you?

If you're having a break this summer, make sure you go away and enjoy it and not feel guilty about doing so.

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