Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Looking After Yourself and Your Staff at Work

Wouldn’t it be great if our bodies could diagnose and fix themselves so we wouldn’t have to worry about going to the dentist, or visiting the doctor and you’d never fall foul of the usual round of cold and flu viruses that magically appear at this time of year?

Unfortunately, there isn’t yet a Matrix style programme that we can download into heads to sort out our health. And yet most of us, if we stopped to listen to our bodies and took some simple measures, could actually prevent a lot of the illnesses we have.

Ok so you’re rushing around trying to meet with clients, grabbing a quick lunch and preparing an important presentation, but a small amount of time spent on yourself and the welfare of your staff could pay dividends in the future. It’s one of those investments that we should make but often don’t to our cost.

Healthy Environment
Providing a healthy environment for you and your staff is vital to help reduce accidents and keeping people safe. It everyone’s responsibility to ensure not only that their working area is tidy but that their equipment is up to scratch. It’s also good to check they are sitting in the correct positions and are following the correct guidelines when using equipment. However, as their boss, it’s up to you to make sure they are aware of their responsibilities and that all new staff are given adequate guidelines and the appropriate training.

Reduce Stress
A tense environment can quickly escalate causing staff to burn out and is one of the main factors why people fall ill. They may even end up leaving if this pattern keeps repeating itself, and in extreme cases this can result in staff taking their employer to court. Using humour in the workplace can foster wellness, improve stress management and increase productivity and morale. Also ensuring you and your staff take regular breaks and use up their holidays on a regular basis will not only minimise the build up of stress but also help avoid the glut of holidays that workaholics always seem to find themselves with before the year end.

Staff Training
Providing training gives your staff the tools to help grow your business. After all, you’ve spent time and money choosing good staff so why wouldn’t you invest the time to train them? It’s not just about providing your staff with training on a regular basis but also coaching and mentoring them. Your input is vital in guiding your staff through tough times and gives them direction. They also need to know why they are being asked to do something and are much more likely to do a better job if they understand its importance

Recognise and Praise Achievements
When was the last time you gave your staff a pat on the back, or thanked them properly for their efforts? If you don’t praise them at least once a day then you’re not praising them enough. Everybody likes to be praised for a doing a good job and its important to ensure you do this on the same day. It makes staff feel valued and keeps them motivated. It’s the easiest thing to do and a simple courtesy costs nothing but is worth everything.

Rewards and Benefits
Bonuses schemes are always popular with staff as they recognise their achievements. However, they don’t always have to be monetary. Giving away mini rewards such as gift certificates or taking your staff out to lunch can make a big difference. Just as importantly though are the types of benefits your company can offer staff. These can also go a long way in making your staff feel valued whilst promoting loyalty and a ‘feel-good’ factor. Many companies offer benefits to their staff but one of the most important are health schemes. They let your staff know you are concerned about their wellbeing, particularly if they offer costs towards routine dental and optical treatment, eye tests and prescription charges or even in-patient and day patient care.

That’s why Exceptional Thinking recommends health policies such as Wellness cover from WPA http://www.wpa.org.uk/keithiliffe/. From as little as £15.00 each your staff can be covered for dental and optical, eye tests, prescription charges, hospital in-patient and day-patient allowances, specialist or second opinion, post hospital recovery bonus, allowance for attending A&E, physiotherapy, Health Screening, Maternity and Paternity and even a confidential stress counselling service.

Exceptional Thinking http://www.exceptionalthinking.co.uk/ provides help and advice to small business owners on their marketing and to people setting up in business.

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