Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Do people read?

You know I keep bleating on about why you have to keep repeating your message, not just tell people what it is once - well the reason for this is because people DON'T read.

Let me give you an example - I've just run a free call on Using Articles to Promote your Business. I sent out several emails to the people who were registered and in those and the promotional material put that if they couldn't make the call, not to worry as it would be available as a recording after the call.

And yet, I've lost count of the number of emails I've received telling me that people couldn't make the call and would a recording be available!

If you want people to pay attention to things you need to keep repeating your message, explain things in a different order and highlight different areas just so you hopefully catch the eye of whoever is reading your info. It has to literally hit them in the face otherwise people will just ignore it.

I think next time I do a call, I will put this bit in the subject header - made a mental note!

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