Tuesday 1 September 2009

When do you go against the grain?

This week, I have the opportunity to interview two students under a scheme called Graduate Challenge. This means that I get a student for free for 4 months to complete a project. Yes, ok I'll have to buy a desk and a couple of other bits and pieces, but what a great opportunity for both ET and the student!

That's my thoughts anyway. I've always been a great believer in looking for other ways to do things based on the assumption that if plan A doesn't work, there's always another way.

But, you'd be amazed at the amount of people who disagree with me and think if you want something doing, you MUST pay for it and you MUST go down the traditional route. Talking to people with the 'you can't do that' attitude does tend to knock your confidence.

So, my question this week is when do you go against the grain? At what point do you say "I'm a bigger business now, I must go more down the traditional route?" Or, do you continue to be innovative and look for other ways to do things?

Very interested to hear your thoughts.

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