Tuesday, 11 August 2009

If you could name just one marketing method…what would it be?

Small business owners often ask me if I could pick just one marketing method what would it be. Well, don’t worry I’m not going to say to you that it depends on your target market or on what you do. I really do have just one marketing method that I would pick above all others. Do you want to know what it is?

This marketing method is following up with people.

Surprised? Did you expect me to say cold calling or leaflet dropping or something else?

The reason that I’ve picked this marketing method above anything else is because no matter what you do, if you don’t follow up it won’t result in business.

Let’s imagine you go to a networking event. You pick up business cards and maybe the attendee list. And then you get back to your desk and you’re selective about who you contact so you only touch base with one or two people. How do you know that the ones you haven’t followed up with aren’t the ones that could give you business?

Another example could be if you’ve been talking to someone about doing some business with you. You’ve sent them a proposal and spoken to them a couple of times after you’ve sent it over. But, they haven’t come back to you and it’s gone a bit quiet. If you don’t follow up with them now, you’re missing a massive opportunity to get more business.

The same could be said if you’ve just done some cold calling and the person you needed to speak to wasn’t there. If you don’t keep chasing them and following up, you’re likely to miss out on some massive profits.

Following up is THE one thing that small business owners don’t like doing that could really pay off if you make it one of your daily jobs. You need to be following up with:

· Past contacts and customers
· Current contacts and customers
· Potential future contacts and customers

In fact, this marketing activity is so vital that it’s my number one marketing activity if I was going to give you one and only one thing you could do.

I ran a workshop on following up with people back in January and I’ve put all the tips and techniques onto a CD along with all of our other workshops. If you want to grab your copy for just a nominal fee to cover packing and posting, you can by visiting http://www.exceptionalthinking.co.uk/CD2.htm

Exceptional Thinking (http://www.exceptionalthinking.co.uk) provides help and advice on marketing for small business owners and to people starting out in business.

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