Tuesday, 20 May 2008

Keep in touch with your customers

It's all too easy when you're busy and there's lots going on to not have time to keep in touch with your customers. I can almost hear you saying to yourself "Oh, they'll be alright. I'll contact them next week". But it's very easy to keep saying this to yourself and forgetting to let them know what's going on.

Even if you're doing work for these customers behind the scenes, don't forget that it really helps how customers think about you if you just send them a quick update - email will do just fine, if you really don't have time to contact them by phone...but make sure you do!

The danger is that customers forget about you too - occasionally they might think "I haven't heard from x in a while", but they'll also be thinking "Well, it's not my place to contact them" and they'd be right.

And if someone else comes along that can do the same job as you, but promises to keep in touch a bit more - your customers might be tempted to swap. Even if they don't desert you for another supplier, it's quite possible that you'll have issues with payment or something else later down the line.

It doesn't hurt to keep in contact with your customers and at worst takes 5 minutes of your time. So, if you're reading this thinking that there is someone who you should contact - do it now, before it's too late.

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