Monday, 7 December 2009

Do you know what your priorities are?

OK, I admit - at the beginning of last week, I had 87 tasks on my to-do list. These mainly consisted of tasks that I wanted to get out of the way before Christmas. But with only 2 weeks to go before we 'break up' for 2 weeks, I finally had to be realistic with myself and realise that much as I'd like to, I wasn't going to get everything finished.

So, in order to be clearer with myself, I asked the question of "what are my priorities?" between now and the 18th December? And the answer was "finishing off the website."

Once I'd focused, I cleared my to-do list and on it are only items involved with finishing off the website. Because I now know what my priorities are, it's meant that I'm much more likely to get this finished instead of trying to do everything.

So in the last two weeks before Christmas, do you know what your priorities are for your business? This isn't your to-do list, this is asking yourself what the big things are that you want to get finished and out of the way. Once you know, you'll be much more focused and can work on finishing off these tasks.

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