Tuesday 7 July 2009

Why you need to make sure you know what you're doing

This morning, I did a teleconference with a marketing person - the aim being to give this away as a free recording to my contacts.

I'd done a bit of research and had come up with a site called No Cost Conference - www.nocostconference.co.uk which looks liked it was the ideal site for me. Ok, the controls didn't exactly seem to be intuitive, but once I'd found my way around I thought I knew what I was doing.

So, Kim (the marketing person) and I did the call at 10.30am this morning. It went great, sounded great and I was really looking forward to downloading my recording of it.

I went back into the control panel after the call and to my horror, discovered that it wasn't there. Actually, what I needed to do (which they hadn't pointed out) is press the record button on the control panel - I assumed that this would happen automatically.

Nightmare! We're now going to have to the call again, which is a great shame as both of us have just wasted an hour doing something which didn't record.

Now do I wish I'd check to make sure I knew what I was doing and how it worked before I started the conference. Yep! Don't think I'll make that mistake again!

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