Tuesday, 12 February 2008

Don't let 'being too busy' put you off...

Just recently several small business owners have said to us that they've been reluctant to do some marketing for fear that they'll be 'too busy' and they won't be able to cope with the workload. This is a common misconception about marketing, so I thought I'd clear it up:

Firstly, if you start doing marketing today, it will probably take at least three months to actually see the results. And that's if you work really hard at it! New business won't come all at once; it's more likely it will gradually build up over time and you'll be able to cope with it.

I always say to business owners who tell me that they're worried about being 'too busy' - let's get you there first and then we'll worry about that. If you end up being too busy, you can choose to stop marketing, be more selective about who you take on as a customer or take on some additional help - being 'too busy' can always be dealt with.

Don't fear being 'too busy' - you can always deal with this. And remember it's always better than being 'too quiet'!

For more advice and help on managing your time in your small business, check out our new e-book "Managing your Time" at http://www.exceptionalthinking.co.uk/Survive-Course.php

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