Tuesday 30 October 2007

Strange time of year

One of the things you need to think about when you're starting a business is seasonality - in other words when will the busiest times of your business be and when will the quietest times be?

November can be a pretty strange time of year. If you provide an advice or consultancy service to people, November could be a quiet time. Many people are trying to cram in as much as possible before Christmas and may delay taking up your services until the New Year.

If on the other hand, you provide a service to the general public such as hairdressing, November could be busy as people will want to look their best before Christmas or get everything sorted out before then.

What about January? Well, January for us is very busy. It's a time of year for new plans, resolutions so anyone who in an advice or consultancy service should be pretty busy. Having said that, for a lot of people, January is a time to consolidate - remember it's only 3 months to go to the end of the financial year, which may prevent people from buying.

And then you've got bank holidays, school holidays, summer and rainy days to contend with. Write down when you're likely to be busy in your business and when you're likely to be quieter - knowing this information will enable you to predict these trends and plan ahead for them.

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