Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Top 10 Tips on running a business

At a networking event yesterday, we were all asked to share our top tips for running a business, so here are mine:

1) When you're running a business, it's really important to brush up on your time management. Turning up late to meetings is not going to do you any favours and neither is not doing what your customers have asked you to do. Make sure that you prioritise your work and leave plenty of time to do things. It's always better to exceed expectations.

2) Do some marketing each week - the more marketing you do, the more you will see results in your business. Put aside some time to do marketing every week. I personally find it's better for me to do 1/2 an hour a day rather than 2-3 hours a week.

3) Do what works for you. We all hear that x, y or z has worked for someone else and feel that we should be doing that for our business too. Rather than doing that though, do what works for you. If someone else has tried cold calling and it's worked really well for them, but you hate the thought of it, try something else.

4) Do bits of tasks regularly - rather than letting your finances, marketing, admin etc build up and then have to spend ages and ages on it, try doing small bits of tasks on a regular basis. That way you'll get it all done and it won't stress you out.

5) Team up with similar businesses that share your target customers - what can you do together? How can you refer business to each other?

6) Get out there as much as possible - go to networking events, meetings, workshops - whatever you can find. Not only will you learn something, but getting out there really helps you to stop feeling lonely.

7) Be passionate about your business - the more you enjoy running your business, the more this will come across to others. Who doesn't want to work with someone who's energetic and loves running their business?

8) Never, ever give up. No matter how tough things seem, there is always a way through.

9) Have a hobby. Running a business can be all consuming. Develop another interest for yourself - it will help you to take your mind off the business and will give you a break.

10) Trust your instinct. If something 'feels' right, go with it and if it doesn't, stay clear. You'll be amazed how often you'll be right.

Tuesday, 7 October 2008

You go Peter!

I don't know whether any of you heard Peter Jones from Dragon's Den speaking on Breakfast this morning. When asked about the economy, he said that it wasn't as bad as everyone was making out, but that if we carried on we would talk ourselves into a recession. He was challenged quite heavily on that point by the presenters and said that yes the banks are in trouble and the share price wasn't great, but that wouldn't have an impact on the vast majority of us. Peter said that we needed to maintain confidence to keep spending, but we were in danger of talking ourselves into a recession if we were not careful.

I couldn't agree with Peter more and he echoes the sentiments I've been saying for some time now. So ignore the news and let's be positive!